
Summer weather is coming back ! Enjoy a gourmet picnic at lunch in our vineyards !

Enjoy a gourmet picnic at lunch in our vineyards and combine it with one of our wine tourism experiences !

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steeped in tradition

the story of a family

The Maison Vitteaut-Alberti, specialised in the creation of Crémant de Bourgogne, saw the light of day in 1951 at Rully, a village typical of the Côte Chalonnaise, heartland of the effervescent wines of Burgundy since 1822.


steeped in tradition

the story of a family

  • The Founders

    Maison VITTEAUT-ALBERTI was founded in 1951 in RULLY, a typical village of the Côte Chalonnaise and birthplace of sparkling Burgundy wines since 1822.

    Its founders, Mr. Lucien VITTEAUT and his wife née ALBERTI, chose to specialise in the production of sparkling white wines using the "Champagne Method"; thus was born the " L.Vitteaut-Alberti" brand.

    The expertise and quality of production of these sparkling wines attracted a local clientele of restaurateurs and private buyers, allowing it to stand out from competitors. Sales rose to 18,000 bottles a year.

  • 2nd generation: commercial development and quality improvement

    In 1968, their son Gérard and his wife Danielle joined the company intent on developing the business. They set up a more personalised commercial approach and a shipment tracking service, building customer loyalty and boosting sales across France; 30,000 bottles were sold each year.

    Mindful of the need to improve quality, the 1970s were a time for investment: equipment was modernised (bottling line, pneumatic disgorging, automatic packaging) and a new winery built (where the kitchen garden used to be!).

    Birth of an AOC: 1975

    Gérard Vitteaut was the youngest producer to be a member of the working group behind the creation of the Crémant de Bourgogne Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC). The AOC came into effect in 1975 and established the rules for producing a fully-fledged Burgundy wine: Crémant de Bourgogne.

    A specific vineyard for Crémant de Bourgogne: 1978

    Once the AOC was in place, Gérard and Danielle decided to plant a specific vineyard for producing the grapes suitable for making Crémant de Bourgogne wines.

    Investments were then made to process the harvests in optimum conditions: a second air-conditioned winery was built to house a suitably programmed pneumatic press and thermoregulated stainless steel vats.

    A wine for celebration, "un vin de fête...":

    * 1998: Saint Vincent Tournante at Rully. For the first time in its history, the Saint Vincent Tournante wine festival offered Crémant de Bourgogne for tasting; recognition of its AOC.

    * 2000: A special "Year 2000" cuvee was made to mark the turn of the century, promoting Crémant de Bourgogne as a wine for celebration, "un vin de fête".

    * 1951-2001: 50 years of specialisation. To celebrate the 50 years of Maison Vitteaut-Alberti, a special cuvee was created, for sale in 2001.

    Top of the brand's range, the special cuvees are the result of work on blending and ageing to produce the fine sparkling wines of Burgundy.

    Sales development: export of Crémant de Bourgogne

    The fruits of such a concerted effort over many long years enabled the business to vinify and sell 300,000 bottles from 2002 onwards, in France, and to gain the confidence of export markets.

  • In 2004, Agnès Vitteaut, daughter of Gérard and Danielle, joined the family business after studying law and oenology.

    Change of site

    The constant growth in sales brought about the need to relocate. In 2004, the business moved into new buildings to accommodate all stages of production, from receipt of the grapes through to commercialisation of the Crémant de Bourgogne. The entire production line was renewed.

    Expansion and restructuring of the vineyard

    From 2009 to 2019, we grubbed up and replanted part of the vineyard with tillage that guarantees a constant quantity of our production.

    Over the years, the maison has expanded its vineyard. It now heads nearly 22 hectares of vineyards located in Côte Chalonnaise, Hautes-Côtes de Beaune and Maranges.

    Tradition with a modern touch

    Keen to perpetuate the company spirit and improve quality, Agnès set up a system of traceability to track the wines from the grapevine through to their commercialisation.

    In 2006, she created her first cuvee and added her own new style: Cuvée Agnès

    In 2009, the business expanded its wine-growing estate. It now controls some 13 hectares of vines situated in the Côte Chalonnaise and Hautes-Côtes de Beaune.

    Agnès is committed to perpetuating the company spirit: a willingness to do things well and provide good hospitality. In 2010, she and her team opened up new visitor facilities to provide a warm and friendly welcome.

    At the moment, our aim is to develop a wine tourism offer aimed at a warm welcome and personalised visits to our establishments and our vineyard.

    The objective is also to continue our move upmarket by launching special and limited vintages designed to show you the extent of our know-how. We strive to develop our communication, to work on our image and the identity of our Crémants de Bourgogne.

    Since 2017, events have been organised, festive events, mixing conviviality and sharing (private evenings, open days with concerts and entertainment), always in the same spirit of conviviality.



Our House
since 1951
Presentation Vineyard Our
of Burgundy
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the world
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Opening hours

Winter : 8.00am to 12.00am / 2.00pm to 6.00pm
Summer (May to August) : 9.00am to 12.00am / 2.00pm to 6.30pm
Saturday : 9.00am to 12.00am / 2.00pm to 6.00pm

Closed on Sunday and on pulic holidays

Contact us

16, rue de la Buisserolle 71150 rully

tél +33 3 85 87 23 97 /

Access map
